An anonymous anti-Barack Obama billboard has caused controversy in Missouri. I don’t see what’s racist about it. I mean, he is black. And he possibly does have a head injury.
The head-wrap isn’t meant to imply that he’s a Muslim, just that he has some sort of severe brain injury.
I liked Obama best when he was on Fat Albert. / when he was the Brown Hornet.
The billboard is anonymous, but I think I know who’s behind it: Fat Albert! Bill Cosby! It’s a BillCosbyBoard!
Interesting – I never knew that his middle name is also his “nickname”.
Woah, they’ve got him! Now that Americans know his middle name, he’s sure to lose!
Now that Saddam’s dead, I just knew someone would take over being evil Hussein.
I think the billboard’s actually pretty weak. Never once do they mention that he’s a darkie.
Of course it’s not racist! If anything it’s anti-racist; they’re including a negro in their anti-Arab hate!
Well, I guess in this modern multicultural age, it’s not enough to say someone’s black. Nowadays, you’ve got to somehow link him to the Arabs.
That Obama – he’s so pro-abortion and pro-gay, just like all them Muslims!
The billboard is trying to suggest that Obama is linked to Muslims. Because, in the States, the only thing worse than being black is being Arabic.
The billboard states “Obama equals more abortions, same sex marriages, taxes and gun regulations”. They must be really pissed off they couldn’t find anything bad to say about him.
Yup, coz the last thing America needs is to take deadly firearms off the kinds of people who make billboards like that…
If only there were more abortions in America, there might be less redneck arsetards putting up signs like this…
As far as I can see, the only racist part might be that he’s wearing a turban. But, for all I know, he may be a fan of the turban. He might even have a soft-spot for the fez – what do I know? We’re clearly not being informed as to the candidates’ preferences in headgear. How are Americans meant to vote for a man when they don’t even know what he likes to put on his head? It’s pure madness.
They’ve got a caricature of Obama wearing a turban. Woah. Who’d’ve thought that someone really believes the US election might be decided by preference of headgear? / the electorate will be swayed by seeing a cartoon hat?
I’m not sure it’s all that racist. If it was racist, surely it wouldn’t be a turban around his head – it’d be a noose. / they would’ve had him swinging from a tree. And not from a prehensile tail either – from a noose.
I’m not sure it’s all that racist. After all, on the poster they say “Obama equals more abortions, same sex marriages, taxes and gun regulations”. If it was racist, it’d just say “he’s black”.
They were going to put an ad in the paper, but opted for a billboard. That way you can also use it for target practice.
But you should see the ones they’ve got of McCain! They look totally accurate – it’s terrifying!
Hmmm. I’m thinking that people who change their vote based on how a candidate looks in a cartoon might be taking the whole thing a bit too lightly anyway. / probably aren’t the nation’s real brainiacs anyway.
But of course people are going to say it’s racist! What else would you expect from a leftie buncha faggot n**gerlovers?
Defenders of the sign say it’s a question of free speech – for all anonymous slanderers!
Obama was photographed wearing a turban on a visit to Kenya. But the cartoon still isn’t accurate – have you ever seen him smile?
The billboard’s creator has remained anonymous. I think it might be Obama himself. That’s a very cheery likeness.
As the quote marks suggest, “Hussein” is not just Obama’s middle name, it’s his code-name – it’s what they all call him down at his Anti-American Baby-Eating Club.
But would there be complaints of racism if a billboard featured a cartoon of a white man? Huh? Who’s being racist now?
Damn, I knew Obama wasn’t going to be able to hide his race forever!
Apparently, the billboard was erected by Muslim gay tax-paying negro pro-gun-control abortionists. They didn’t realise people might take it to be anti-Obama!
Thank goodness Americans have finished worrying about that global financial meltdown malarky and are back onto the important issues. / back onto debating what God wants done with unwanted pregnancies.
You won’t see a billboard like this for Sarah Palin. The only thing Palin supporters like to hang up are blacks.